Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Weight Watchers and whatnot

I'm really terrible about staying on top of this thing, but forgive me for tending to my children...most of the time at least. Every day I wake up and I swear that I'm going to update the blog and then someone needs a snack or I need to referee something or someone needs their butt wiped and it wouldn't be very motherly like of me to not do those things, right? :) Life has been business as usual in the Hayes household. Sean's still not interested in potty training, even after I've resorted to lots of bribing and he spends most of his day alternating between loving his brothers to death and trying to be Gavin's boss. I find myself repeating "Mommy is the boss!" multiple times throughout the day. I've always loved being the boss of things....I wonder where Sean gets that from? LOL.

One thing that is new in our house is that I've started Weight Watchers, and I've already fallen off the wagon super hard-core. I *want* to lose weight, it's just super hard having willpower when you have Christmas cookies to make and sitting in this house most of the time makes it difficult to resist the pull of the pantry. I'm trying to gather as many recipes that I can in the hopes that once the holidays are over and I'm back at work (WAH!!!), it will be easier to stay on track and I can go to the gym. I'm planning on trying to add some recipes to the blog so that I have them all in one place rather than searching all over hell's hot acre trying to find the exact recipe that I want. The one positive to my going back to work is that I shouldn't be able to not find an excuse to work out since the gym is on the MDT campus and I can work out before work or during lunch- I just have to save enough time to pump.

I loathe pumping, but I love being able to breastfeed my baby, so I'm going to keep it up. And this time there should be none of the stopping at 8 months due to losing supply because of a (VERY) unexpected pregnancy because James has officially been clipped :) The more I think about it, the happier I am with our decision because we have three gorgeous, healthy boys and I know I couldn't physically or emotionally handle another pregnancy (and bedrest) AND there's no way I could be able to afford to have a fourth child. The only thing I'm a little sad about is that it seems like all of my baby years are going to be over so quickly that I might not treasure things as much as I need to. I'm hoping that as my friends have babies, I'll be able to quench the inevitable baby fever that will occur and then I'll remind myself of all the sleepless nights I won't have to go through anymore and be thankful that I won't ever have to deal with that again. Alright, Gav is waking up- off to Mommy duty.

1 comment:

  1. We are finished too...I think...The more that I think about the sadder it makes me. It is the end of this season and the thought of never having another sweet little baby makes me sad...The thought of not paying for one however, keeps me going! Good luck with weight watchers. Several people I know have had great luck with it! I am not disciplined enough for it!


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Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it. ~Not Your Average Dictionary
While we try to teach our children all about life,Our children teach us what life is all about.~Angela Schwindt
Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. ~Phyllis Diller