Monday, February 1, 2010

Ice Ice Baby

We had a great big ice storm here in Memphis this past Friday/early Saturday. It was gorgeous and I should have taken more pics. It was too trecherous for the boys to really go out and play because the majority of what was on the ground was frozen solid. And Gavin freaked when he started to slip a little bit. We made a trip to my parents yesterday, which was a huge bust considering they were in Tunica for most of the afternoon. If my mom had told me that "we're going to grab some food" was code for going to gamble, we would have turned our happy asses around and headed home. On Friday, I was (obviously) supposed to work, but alas, I was one of the few cautious people who could have cared less it was the end of the quarter- I just didn't want to risk my (or my children's) life out on the roads right when it was getting bad. I've got no clue how to drive in snow or ice, but apparently I was supposed to get out there goshdarnit and try because God forbid the sales reps don't have someone to bitch to about missing sets or Fedex issues. The people who came in were given $250 as a bonus for working their entire shift and allowed the option of calling a cab or having a room available at the hotel next door. Unless they were going to pay for my entire family to stay, I don't think so. MAYBE if I didn't have a nurseling, but unfortunately, I can't be separated from him for a night just because of my stupid job. Seeing that, I don't know whether to be pissed off that they care more for the almighty dollar than they do the safety of their least appreciated employees, or touched that they offered a hotel room. This is the kinda shit that makes me hate working and wishing I was home with my boys.

On another note, at least being forced to stay home all weekend gave us a chance to work even more on Sean's potty training. He's doing so good and has started telling us that he needs to go pee and he even got out of the bathtub last night to go pee. I was so proud :) Hopefully we'll get the hang of everything really quickly and then can get to work on Big Gavin.

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Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it. ~Not Your Average Dictionary
While we try to teach our children all about life,Our children teach us what life is all about.~Angela Schwindt
Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. ~Phyllis Diller