Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Library

Let me preface this by saying- Sean has recently (within the past year) acquired a love for books. He loves to look at them, touch them, and have someone read to him (he hasn't quite perfected that skill :)). Also, for those of you who aren't around here in real life, Sean has a little speech issue that we're hoping to fix with tonsil surgery next month, which can make him hard to understand sometimes. So, last night, after I had read his books to him and turned off his lights and given him 15 bedtime kisses, I heard him yelling for me. I went back in there, and he started telling me about a stomach hurt and a caterpillar and a whole bunch of other stuff that I didn't quite catch because he was talking so fast. Then, I realized that he was talking about "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. He really loves most of Eric Carle's books, but most especially, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. After listening to him describe the book to me, I got him to finally stop talking and go to sleep by promising to go to the library tomorrow (today) and get him his "Catpiller" book. I thought he may have forgotten about it this morning because ya know...he's 3 and all, but as we were walking out the door to go to the babysitter's house, he starts talking about going to "Libary for Catpiller". I don't know how many of you have tried to reason with a 3 year old before, but getting them to understand that the library doesn't open till 10 a.m. is about as easy as trying to teach me Calculus. It ain't happenin'. And of course, we have to drive by the library in order to get to R's (the sitter). This led to an all-out temper tantrum about his book and not being able to go to the library, which was annoying because it's a temper tantrum, but at the same time, it made me smile a little. I *love* that he loves books this much- it makes me feel great that I've got a little bookworm because I'm a total nerd myself. I have always loved to read, and to see Sean have gotten that from me (because really, James is a nerd, but not of the book-reading kind), it feels like I've got a little kindred spirit. Hopefully, his love for books will continue for a long, long time and that's something we can continue to share as he gets older (although, I doubt he'll dig reading a sappy Danielle Steele book as much as I might LOL). Oh, and I totally went to the library on my lunch break (I know, I know bedrest...) and got his book and a couple to keep me company for a few days :)

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Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it. ~Not Your Average Dictionary
While we try to teach our children all about life,Our children teach us what life is all about.~Angela Schwindt
Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. ~Phyllis Diller