Tuesday, August 11, 2009

And so it begins...

After debating for a few weeks about starting a blog and whether it was too self-indulgent (because really, who doesn't like talking about themselves??), I bit the bullet and just did it. I guess I'll make this my intro post for you people who either don't know me or only know me as your trusty "Board Leader" on BZ. Obviously, I'm Hayley- the birther of the all the boys and the queen of our humble little abode. I'm 23 and I work out of the home (except right now, I'm at home, bedresting but working from home) for a big company that has nothing to do with my degree. My job is just that...a job. I would prefer to be home with my boys, but alas, it isn't looking likely at the moment.
My hubby is James, and really, as much as I (will) bitch about him, he's pretty damn great most of the time. He wrangles the boys and puts up with me, so there isn't much more I could ask for. Our oldest is Sean, and he turned 3 a couple of months ago. He's a silly, sweet, and super smart little dude. He loves bugs, trains, airplanes, books, and his Mama. He's much more laid-back than his little brother, but that doesn't stop him from being a hell-raiser most of the time.
Gavin , who just turned 1 last month, is our second son, and is our little cling-on. He pretty much likes to irritate Sean and sit in mine or James' laps. He looks like a little cherub with his bright red hair, but don't let that fool you, people- the child is a tantrum-throwing machine.
Our as-yet-unborn third child is (tentatively) named Finn. He should be here sometime around the end of October, but if my blood pressure doesn't calm itself down, the doctor may have other plans for him. This is why I get to have lots and lots of doctors appointments and take tons of pills every day and I'm supposed to be keeping my happy ass in bed- just to see if we can continue to buy time to let Finn grow.
After Finn is born, James gets to be rendered sterile because I'm afraid these three boys in 3 years (so much for PCOS, and possibly never having kids..) may just drive me to the looney bin. And for all you our there that will ask, it sure would have been nice to have a little girl, but I know that I'm supposed to have these three little boys and wouldn't trade them for all the girly clothes, names, and drama in the world :)

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Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it. ~Not Your Average Dictionary
While we try to teach our children all about life,Our children teach us what life is all about.~Angela Schwindt
Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. ~Phyllis Diller