Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Gavin!!

Today is my sweet Gavin's 2nd birthday, and even though I've been home sleeping off a ferocious summer cold all day, I wanted to write and remember the day that my amazingly smart and gorgeous 2nd child entered our lives.

Here's his birth story:
12:51 p.m.
6lbs 15 oz, 20.5 inches long

I had a scheduled induction at 5:30 a.m. on July 7 because of my on-going blood pressure issues.

The nurses got me hooked up to the monitors and much to my surprise, I was having contractions. They were about 10 minutes apart, so I told them I wanted a low dose of Pitocin to see how things would progress. Our nurse, Stephanie, checked me before she started the pit and I was at a "stretchy 3"- when I'd been at 1.5 the Wednesday before. She started my pit at 6:30, after finally getting my IV in (it took 3 tries!). I was mildly uncomfortable and even though watching my DH sleeping blissfully away was making me want to kick him in the nads, I thought I was handling it well. :) I knew the doctor would be in to break my water early and I remembered the pain that came with the contractions after my water broke last time, so I went ahead and ordered my epidural as soon as my fluids were done. At 8, they finally got the epidural in right *note- no more student nurse anesthecists* and I tried to relax. Dr. Hamby came in at 8:30 and broke my water and put in my internal monitors- he also stretched me to 4.5, which I was glad I didn't feel LOL. I was thrilled since I knew once I got to a 6, things would probably go pretty quickly like it did with Sean.

For the next couple of hours, things were quiet- I was checked again at 10 and
was at 5. My contractions were coming every 3 minutes and I could feel the tightness, but luckily still no pain. At 11, three nurses came running in there and started messing with my internal monitors because Gavin's heartrate was sort of sporadic. They also turned off my pit because my contractions were starting to come right on top of each other and they wanted to see if I could maintain the contractions on my own. They also told me I had progressed to an 7.5 Woohoo!!! They finally got Gavin's heartrate ok- the monitor had just gotten a little loose. I started feeling nauseous and getting really really crabby- I knew it was almost time.

At 12, I was checked and was almost complete with a tiny lip. I started freaking out at this point because "OMG! I'm having a baby!". I was still at a 0 station, so I told the nurse I didn't want to wear myself out pushing when he was still high- I wanted to contractions to push him down. She started prepping everything and called Dr. Hamby to tell him it was almost time. While she was out of the room, I had to push *rightthisverysecond* and I made James stick his head in the hallway (we were right across from the nurses' station) and grab Stephanie. This was at 12:20 and we started practice pushing, so I was ready to go when Dr. Hamby walked in. It took about 25 minutes for Dr. Hamby to arrive and by that point, the nurse was having me pant through my contractions because I was ready to deliver. Hamby walked in and after a lovely episiotomy and 2 pushes, he placed Gavin on my chest and let James cut the cord.

It was an amazing, easy birth and I seriously could not have asked for things to have bee
n any better. I was able to feel him being born, but no pain and I got my wish to be able to hold him on my chest as soon as he was born. After getting my stitches and everyone leaving us alone, I was able to breastfeed him in the delivery room and just enjoy my time with Gavin and James.

Happy Birthday, Monster! Love your Mommy and Daddy

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Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it. ~Not Your Average Dictionary
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