Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm baaaaaack! Actually, more like I've been back at work for 2 weeks now and it's finally feeling like I'm really back into the swing of things. I'm still a little slow on the uptake, but I'm getting it. Actually, I'm hoping to switch departments ('s still on the DL around here) to the Support department that handles a lot of the billings rather than being stuck on the phone doing the exact same thing constantly. I really just hate being on the phone all the time. Howeverrrr, my shift would stay 10-7 for way longer than I would like, so that would totally suck. It's just a give and take and trying to figure out what is going to make me happier.

I also "broke up" with our long-time sitter, Rachel, because we just can't afford to send all three kids there...only to have them get sick (since they constantly got sick over there) and have to miss more work. I was actually going to send the kids the next 2 weeks, but she's not real keen on our potty training ritual (which is just Sean running around in underwear so as not to mess with pulling up and down pants since really he IS just learning, ya know) in case he pees in her floor. You do realize you're running a daycare composed of mostly potty training toddlers, right? *eyeroll* People annoy the piss out of me sometimes. So now, the kids are going to be staying with my sister starting next week, which should be fun for all of us considering that my sister routinely enjoys lounging about in bed until 2 in the afternoon. Hopefully she realizes this is about the best she's going to get between not having to pay for daycare for her (soon-to-be) 2 kids and getting to have a job where she can spend most of her day in PJs. I wish I had that kinda job. As it is, I'm excited to be having a Jeans day today. LOL.

We're still broke- we just saved our house from being foreclosed on by the hairs on my chiney chin chin. THAT was terrifying- wondering if I was going to come home to a house that wasn't mine anymore. We're on a 6 month repayment plan, which is loads of fun and means we're going to be B-R-O-K-E for the next 6 months. Hey- at least we'll still have a house. And since I'm going to be saving around $400/mo. with my sister watching the kids, it will hopefully give us a little more cushion. And at least my kids qualify for WIC, so we'll just be eating milk sandwiches for a while. LOL. I know my faithful bloggy friends probably don't need to hear all about my financial woes, but sometimes, I just need someone to "listen" because my husband is tired of hearing my voice. I really do think I sound like Charlie Brown's teacher in his head. As it is, I'm trying to make my financial goals for this year a reality.

My kids are doing great, so that's one thing I can be truly thankful for. Gavin is very interested in Sean's potty training and it would be great if they could both potty train at the same time- it's like 2 for the price of 1 potty training, which is my favorite kind! Finn is getting huge and gorgeous. He really adores his brothers, when they're not trying to smother him and um, stuff. Gavin has lots and lots of new words, his favorite being " Menis" (think body parts LOL) and "Dad-dee". He also said "Love you (uv ooo)" this weekend as well. His little dendrites are growing and firing away. He may be a demon, but he's my little demon and I adore him. :) Off to make updates on my layout and pretty this blog up.

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Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it. ~Not Your Average Dictionary
While we try to teach our children all about life,Our children teach us what life is all about.~Angela Schwindt
Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. ~Phyllis Diller